Thursday, September 16, 2010

I Love the Rich.

I love the RICH* and of all the classes of people who ought to be preferred with tax policy, it is the rich.

Why? First of all, it is their money and so long as they earned it by not resorting to force or fraud of another human being, they deserve every penny they earned.**

Second of all, they invest their money in the economy and this is our most valuable resource for creating jobs. My work comes from people who are creators of business. None of it comes from those who are simply workers for businesses.

Obama and the Democrat's position that the RICH should be punished for their success is a neanderthal attitude that wealth is limited and ill-gotten, and thus its existence is somehow unjust. In some people's minds, the workers are the ones who are the just recipients of wealth. They are the ones who exerted the physical labor and thus really earned it and deserve it.

Man does not survive simply by physical labor. Without thinking, he's as good as dead. It's the mind and the mental work that makes all the difference. Those, such as this Administration and the labor unions, who seek to rob those who use their minds to give what they earned to those who only use their bodies commit a massive injustice.

The headlines tell us poverty is up. The one thing certain to happen and continue under these ideas and values is that poverty will increase. This Administration and Congress has willfully been killing the creative fountainhead of successful living at every point possible. Instead they reward needy consumers who are net drains on the resources required for all of our successes to occur.

It is difficult to listen to such incredible stupidity. But stupidity it is, and it is motivated by one thing: An appeal to envy. Envy is the hatred of the good for no reason except that it is the good. Our "vaunted" leaders think all the dumb gun-clingers are motivated by envy. They are mistaken. They aren't that dumb.

So under the Obama Administration anyone with talent, wealth, intelligence, success of any kind is hereby forewarned that they may become subject to Obama's axe to the good. Envy chops off every tall poppy. It cannot stand excellence in any form.

Envy thrives on pity, suffering, and guilt. Does anyone believe that Michelle Obama's campaign against obesity will make a measurable difference? Hell no. Anyone cued into how modern politics operates already knows that the value of that campaign is the guilt it instills in people. Michelle gets to be Mother Superior and we get to be guilty Doughboys.

It's this incessant trotting out of sob stories and the whole quality of this Administration that is so disturbing and toxic. It really is anti-life - or at least anti any life worth living.

If you are interested in a life worth living, check out The Order of The Heldhigh Torch, a moral community committed to having its members' lives thriving and happy. We have nothing against the rich.

*Wealth in and of itself does not indicate whether a man earned it by moral or immoral means. One thing for sure, a white-washing of the rich is inappropriate and many rich people are legitimately wealthy people. Those that aren't are people that gained their wealth because they or their business is protected in some way by the government, or they were dishonest and predatory. All those that depend on free trade of value for value earned their wealth properly and should be lauded and rewarded for their enormous ability and talent.

**See Comment 1 below.


Principlex said...

Excellent article about how our Moral Code is out of date.

Principlex said...

"Poverty is Back and It's No Coincidence"

Bobby V said...

Thieves can gain automatic moral authority if they claim to be defending the poor against the rich. When it is no longer considered moral to demand money from the rich, when it is considered immoral to do so, only then will this false moral authority be over.

Bobby V said...

Thieves can gain automatic moral authority if they claim to be defending the poor against the rich. When it is no longer considered moral to demand money from the rich, when it is considered immoral to do so, only then will this false moral authority be over.

Principlex said...

A good article on wealth and wealth creation and the incredible and arrogant error of the US Government's financial managers.